My tour this November took me around Ontario, with stops in Montreal and Buffalo.
50% of the merch sales were going towards my donations for cancer research through the Movember website. (You still can donate if you like) I was surprised out of all the tours I have done, this was my weakest for the sale of merh. When playing I announced what I was doing and every time it got a huge cheer and applause. Making me think that I was about to sell quite a bit. Sadly no. only a few things at each show. Some, sold nothing.
It was what it was and I did manage to get a few dollars for the charity.
So first off was Buffalo to pick up Kelsey Warren, of pILLOW tHEORY, and Alex Kelly, also a musician but came for a few days to hang out.
And, of course, play at The French Quarter Cafe.
This was the second time I played unplugged. No amp or mic and I have to say it is quite freeing to sing to people and not have to be locked behind a microphone. People of The United States are not familiar with the November mustache. One woman replied when I asked "Is anyone familiar with Movember?"
"Is that with moustaches or something?"
So, I am happy to have educated some fine folks over the border.
The show was fun but not many people out because we booked it 3 days before I showed up.
Over the boarder we go! How did your head get so big Kelsey?
Next was Kingston. I've never been able to get a show here until now and it was at Queen's University, Clark Hall Pub. The crowd was good they were digging the music. But this was a pass the tip jar kind of payment. And really Students don't have much cash on them (or would rather put that money towards beer) Kelsey got $30 and a tampon. the girl said she wanted to give him something special. I was the second to perform so the jug goes around again. Which usually ends up with less tips due to everyone tipping already. I got $5 and change. We opened for a student duo called Maritime Minesweepers. THey are mainly a cover band. Not the strongest singers, but the crowd loved them. They cheered clapped sang along. Everybody loves a cover song.
The Maritime Minesweepers
The after party
Kelsey's "tip"
This was on the wall of where I slept. He kept me company.
We were able to crash at a student house that night which was awesome because $5.00 does not cover the cost of a motel....
We sat around playing Mario Kart and listening to music.
Discussions turned to moustaches,
Dude 1-"If you have a blonde moustache you have crossed the line and probably touch kids. It's a life science."
Dude 2- "But it's not all blonde. There are a couple of light brown hairs."
Me- "Ah a dusting of cinnamon."
Next was Barrie at the good ol' Local Gastropub. I was able to get 3 tickets for the Finger 11 concert that was happening across the street that same night so I gave them away. 2 people donated money for the movember and one guy came up and sang a song for a ticket.
I'm sure the people had a good time at both shows that night.
Kelsey has a song called Blipsters and Buppies with pILLOW tHEORY. I was looking forward to this hearing this song but so far three shows deep he had not played it.
at the end of his set he was saying thanks and such.
I cut him off.
"A standard set is 45 min you played 43 min now play what I want to hear!"
I'm a demanding little drunk, but and worked and here is the song:
Think cats!
Now Keep doing cats except neil you hold a recently deceased baby lamb
Gina Sparrow, Britany Fulton, Neil Crowe, Kelsey Warren, Alex Kelly, Hazy.
Off to St Catherine's again for the Strega Cafe, and again it was not a grand turn out. We played to a couple that came in to watch us and the staff but I like going there. the staff are great the food is good and free drinks. While we were waiting 3 people were walking by we told them to come watch the show and it turns out they too were musicians playing a block away in a 10 piece rock country band or something. They didn't start until 1am so we said you come watch us we'll come watch you. They agreed(but didn't end up coming back to watch us, needless to say we did not go watch them) While chatting with them one turns to me and asks, "Can I have some money?"
"What? How about, you give me some money."
His friend was on my side "What are you doing? They're broke musicians too."
Then he tried to pretend it was a joke. What a fucking retard.
Kelsey sees Niagara Falls for the first time. In honour of this he gives me the finger.
You want to sit in the big boy chair?
Kelsey discover's Kelsey's
3 days off and we just hung around Barrie. Ate Poutine, drank, went to an open mic and I worked a couple of half days (luckily as the tour was not being the money marker I hoped it would be)
Waterloo, Maxwell's music House. A really cool venue but it being on a Wednesday we had a few tables filled and a few at the bar.
This was also the first night of the new shirts. sadly no merch was sold today. It kinda sucks going and spending over $1000 on t-shirts and not selling 1 at your first show with them.
The music sounded great and we opened for a local funk band called The Sofa Kings. They were tight.
Kelsey got sick we ate at a cafe next door and he literally at vegetables on a bun and felt like garbage after. How do you mess up vegetables?
"Stay classy in that red Turtleneck Kelsey Warren."
George's sexiest face.
NOw for Kelsey's last show with me. in Toronto at The hideout. A great bar that has a set pay rate which was awesome. I was able to hire some musicians, Stephen Dyte, Julien Michaud of Richmond Switch and George Anstey (who I'm sure I mispronounced his name on stage) we practiced twice. We had mistakes but none of them glaring. It was great to play with a full band again it had been over a year. At the end of our set which was what I thought was the 3rd and final one, the owner comes up and says" What are you doing you play until after 2. I'm paying you good money. "
So broke out the guitar and up I went. I played 2 sets already. and because I had the full band I was really giving it on the vocals. So by this third set my voice was struggling. I finished at 2:25. drove back to Barrie, and was in bed by 4:15 I had to get up at 8:45 and get Kelsey to the bus station and then drive 6 and a half hours to Montreal. I was a touch drained. but only 2 more shows to go.
So tiny you are CN Tower!
Steam Whistle Brewery photo booth
Someone buy my wares. Please?
Montreal, the first show I played here was a free one at a cafe called Burritoville. my second was playing at McGill University in The Thompson House. They paid and put me up in a hotel.
I felt very much like rock and roller, I did.
I opened for a great band called Half Moon Run. I hung out with some people at the show who wanted to go out for a drink after ward I said ok and they took me to a campus bar everyone was in white t-shirts that they write on and they were all 19-21 I was the old dude at the club and not wearing white. I lasted all of 5 min. the time it took me to realize the bar tender was more into dancing and eating chicken finger than serving any of the people waiting at the bar. Off to my last show!
A sea of white t-shirted college kids.
Orillia, The Brownstone. I like the Brownstone. It has a good following and again no pay but free food and drinks and pass around the tip jug. and you can make some good tips there.
I also had The Morals come to play. They are my favourite Barrie band and I always look forward to seeing them perform.
That's the tour.
I played a show in Ivy, Ontario for Host a House Concert with Graham Greer, and did well on merch sales that night.
I've got time off from playing until next year! Jan 7th is the first show in Barrie at a new bar called the Port.
Lets hope for the best in 2012!
(hopefully I'll have something to blog about in the meantime.)
Lastly, I have recorded a cover of You're a Mean One Mr Grinch, it is download only so If you want to hear a sample of it go to iTunes or CD Baby. When you fall in love with it you can purchase it!
It really does not sound like the original so tell me what you think.