So I can test out my change gaining abilities on street corners and such. Next week is my first time I'll be playing in front of a corner cafe downtown Barrie.
I few months ago I discovered downloading.
Of course I've always known about it. Just never did it.
I also like to watch tv only when a show comes out on DVD, usually they are HBO shows.
I can't remember what it was, maybe Big Love or Californication, but I couldn't find the season and thus downloading was introduced to me.
Now I download movies and music from torrent sites.
But I feel bad. I really do.
(mainly about the music less so over the movies)
Plus the movies tend to be in shitty quality anyways.
But I am trying to buy CD's again.
It's just hard is all.
Recently I heard a song by the band The Funeral Party. It's been on my mind to go and find a disc by them. I was in a Futureshop today. I used to buy quite a lot of discs from them about 5 years ago. Now they had 3 racks of CD's nothing of note, certainly no Funeral Party. HMV has also lost a lot of disc space. They have new releases at the front and the back corner has some others. The rest of the store is loaded with DVD's video games and... Books?!? (although I do like books, it just doesn't seem to fit HMV)
Side Note* I heard HMV stands for His Masters Voice. Anyone one know if this is true?
I miss going into a CD store and searching through the disc's trying to find something different.
I also miss having an actual CD in my hand to look through the insert and read lyrics, see who are the band members and what they played....etc....
I can see why a lot of people download (I'm doing it)
I hate when I find a disc by a lesser known band that I've been wanting to get but it has a price tag of $24-29. That blows. ( I do remember buying Primus' first CD Suck on This for 24.99, actually I had my mom buy it for me) I suggest if you see that price, go to the bands site (if you can't see them live) and buy it directly from them. It will surely be cheaper, and sometimes they throw you extra things.
I am going to stop downloading music from torrent sites.
Maybe this karma will come around and people will buy/download my tunes.
We'll see.
I suggest if you are in Ontario go to one of my favourite music stores Sunrise Records. It's great!
I will be giving an extra thing away soon as well check my website in the next little while to find out what...