I do not feel top form today.
So seems like a good time for the sordid tale of my UK excursion.
Let's see... left off with travel partner.
basically just wandered London, saw the inspection of the guards, (pretty boring), went to the Canadian bar called the Maple Leaf. They had hockey stuff on the wall and served Sleeman and Moosehead. (nothing to crazy) and I kareokeed while drunk. An asian fellow shook my hand mid song. So I must have been alright.
Then to Edinburgh. I took a train for 120 pounds. I found out I could have flown for way less than that. Lesson learned.

I have found that Scottish girls really like curse words. Fuck, cunt and twat seemed to be the preferred terms. usually blended together in the same sentence. "You tell that cunt fuckin' twat that I don't want to talk to her!"
I have not stayed in a hostel in a while. i forgot about a few things.
Sex. People having sex across from you, as quiet as they try to be, you hear it all.
Germans. I love Germans, good looking, kind, fun. But they are horrible hostel goers. They come in from the Disco and either talk very loud, turn on the lights, or both, when everyone else is sleeping. Oh the Germans....
Co-ed toilets. I'm just not a fan of going in to the same room and having a shower while a strange girl is trying not to fart to loud.
I played at the Wee Red Bar an on campus bar, pretty cool place. Green Day and the Proclaimers have graced the stage. as well as Eyeswide!
The show was ok but all of the acts were touring acts so we didn't really have a draw. But some people did come out, and I had some good conversations.
Off to Bristol again by train. I joined up to Couchsurfers.com and found a place to crash. A nice little place in yet another hilly city up and down. Despite my trusty map. I kept getting lost. I saw a fair bit of Banksy art and perhaps some copies of Banksy.
Let us look at some street art.

This one was in a museum.
I played at Mr. Wolf's here and the crowd was decent but since I was unknown did not get too much attention, or maybe I just didn't play well...
From Bristol to Liverpool. I'm just cutting right through these cities.
I went straight to from the station to the Cavern Quarter, to.....

It's kind of tourist but it still has a vibe in there.
On stage at the Cavern!
So again I am going to leave this tale of excitement for later. part 3 will conclude the journey.
Where i will tell of how I wanted to cry in the airport.
but as for some current news.
Eyeswide is a feature artist on www.sonicbids.com I am gracing the main page!
Sonic Box Radio has featured a 30 min segment on Eyeswide.
That can be found at www.canadianartistrecords.ca
Let's go nurse this hangover shall we?